Welcome :)

Hello Everybody¡¡¡¡ \^-^/ <3

My name is Valentina Manriquez, I´m eighteen years old. I´m doing my first year of psychology at University of Chile in Santiago City. I like speaking English because I like singing with my friends songs in English, it´s very fun. Also this helps me to comunicate with foreing people, for example, with my Mormona Sister. Sometimes I listen to music in English, because I like more the romantic and old music, for example, Nino Bravo, Emannuel, Ricardo Montaner, etc. But, I like to watch movies in English on the weekend with my boyfriend so much, it´s our free time. My most difficult aspect in English is the listenings in class, because I get confused a lot. My plan to overcome my problems in the English Language is to give me days of my week to practice, give more time to listen to music in English in my free time, and come to all the classes.

Thank you :)
